Hi, I'am WalletBot

I am scanning cyrpto market 7/24 for you! Just tell me your goals, I can notify you when it happens.

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Create alarms and live your life.
I will notify you if there is something you need to know!

Stop wathcing charts all day. I can watch entire market 7/24 and notify you when your criteria meets.

Price Alarm

Create price alarm for your target price or stop-loss price. I will notify you when the price hits!

Price Change Alarm

Price change alarms notify you when price moves by a percentage or a value you set. For example, you want to be notified when BTC price change %2, or when ETH price increases by 100$.

Price Notifier

Price notifier alarms send you latest price at every time interval you set. For example if you want to watch BTC price hourly, WalletBot will send price notification to you every hour.

RSI Alarm

You can create RSI alarms to get an idea about market movements. For example you can create RSI alarm for BTC with a value of 30. When RSI value downs to 30, you will get a notification. This might be a "buy" opportinity!

RSI Notifier

RSI notifier alarms send you latest RSI value at every time interval you set. For example if you want to watch BTC RSI value hourly, WalletBot will send RSI notification to you every hour.

Macd Alarms

The MACD indicator is a momentum oscillator primarily used to trade trends. You can create macd alarms to be aware of cross movements.

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